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2014-01-17 14:33 | 太奇MBA網(wǎng)

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  As far as I am concerned, compared with traditional study in library, on-line study has its own advantages. To begin with, it saves college students save a great deal of time and improve efficiency of their study. Students used to go to library and spent hours finding the right source, but now they just need to type into the key words and click the mouse to search for the information they need. In addition, internet enables the college students to be exposed to the latest source of information, which could broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge without leaving their dorms. Finally, on-line study provides them a great opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas with their classmates, teachers and professionals on line who can assist them in solving their problems at once.

  All in all, the rising trend is bound to continue in near future and should be promoted, since it not only facilitates the study but enhances the overall quality of the college students.

  5 出境游人數(shù)劇增

  As is shown in the charts above, it is evident that people’s style of spending holidays has changed greatly over the past four years. The proportion of people staying at home and domestic traveling has declined, while that of people traveling abroad has been on a dramatic rise from 15% in 2009 to 25% in 2012.

  What accounts for the rising trend? Personally speaking, three factors contribute to the phenomenon. First of all, the change is closely connected with the booming economy. With the income steadily rising, people have extra money to afford the traveling expenses like flight tickets and accommodation. Secondly, an increasing number of people have been aware of the importance of getting well-informed about the outside world and foreign culture. Thirdly, the change is promoted by the better policies issued by the government like lengthening paid holidays and simplifying the procedures of going abroad.

  From the analysis above, the rising trend is bound to continue in near future. As far as I am concerned, it is a positive trend and should be encouraged, since it not only boosts the overseas tourism but enhances quality of life.


  柱形圖看的是tend, 表格table 看的是最大值和最小值,要有針對性和切入點(diǎn),切勿亂寫一氣。10年和12年的作文有參考作用,一定要看。

  6 2012年作文 要求大家記憶,有可能出同類作文

  As is shown in the table, the satisfaction degree to the jobs varies greatly among different age groups. It is evident that the staff aged between 41 and 50 are more dissatisfied with their work, compared with the staff below 40 and above 50.

  As far as I am concerned, at least three driving factors contribute to the phenomenon above. Firstly, middle-aged staff are confronted with greater pressure from family, job and life, so they cherish unrealistic expectation concerning what they can get from their job, which is far beyond their actual performance. Secondly, they have accumulated extensive knowledge and abundant working experience, but there is little chance for them to get a promotion or a pay rise. Thirdly, those staff have paid more attention to their health and the life quality, while corporate life deprives them of their opportunity to enjoy their life.

  From what has been discussed above, dissatisfaction among middle aged staff has influenced their performance, so it is necessary to take effective measures and create more incentives to eliminate the negative effects and retain those excellent middle-aged staff.

  7 2010年作文

  The chart above shows a striking contrast of mobile-phone subscription between developed countries and developing countries. It is evident that the number of cell phone users remains stable in developed countries, while the subscription in developing countries has been on a dramatic rise over the past nine years from less than one million to four million in 2008.

  A couple of factors contribute to the surge in developing world. First of all, thanks to the booming economy, people can earn much more money than before. With the income steadily rising, people have enough extra money to buy a mobile phone. Secondly, advanced technology makes it possible to reduce the cost of making a mobile phone, which transformed the mobile phones from a luxury into a fashion accessory. Thirdly, the operators of telecommunication cut down the rate significantly. It is because of this that people could use mobile-phone to do many things like communication, doing business and even surfing on line.
