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2016-06-12 15:30 | 太奇MBA網(wǎng)

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  21、 The trend of pretending to contend has extended.假裝斗爭的趨勢已延伸到了捆扎不同種類的磨石,

  22、 The ground stone wound by bonds was fond of the bond of diamonds and was corresponding to a bound fund beyond. 被債券纏身的磨石對鉆石邊子有興趣,還和遠處的約束基金有通信。

  23、 The profound compound has surrounded a sound Oceanian cafeteria. 深奧的化合物包圍了一間健全的大洋州餐廳。

  24、 The method of keeping a good mood is to have enough food during the period of childhood and nod once in a while.保持好心情的方法就是在兒時有足夠的食物和時常點頭。

  25、 On regard to the standard of beard, Lao Sha’s detruded rod maybe well concerned.關(guān)于胡子的標準,老沙扔掉的魚桿可被考慮。

  26、 An awkward steward has been reward with a straight forward award for his being a coward.一個笨拙的服務(wù)因怯懦而被授予了一份直白的獎品。

  27、 The applauding shepherd in the yard cannot offer the hazard of laughing at the absurd landlord who has a sword in his hand. 院子里正在鼓掌的牧人無法承受嘲笑那個手里有劍的荒唐地主的代價。

  28、 Everybody in the tribe has to be in robe and describe the prescription subscribe by the global probe.這個部落的每個人都必須穿長袍,描述由全球化偵探訂購的處方。

  29、 The graceful preface was laced by a commonplace piece near the furnace in the palace without any trace of embrace. 這份優(yōu)雅的前言是由一個平凡的侍女在宮殿里的火爐邊,不留住擁抱過的痕跡而系上帶子的。

  30、 The office’s prejudice of the masterpiece has made the police sliced as some nice sacrifice.辦公室對名著的偏見使得警察被切成細片當作犧牲。

  31、 Our choice of justice has led to the abundant service of juice and device of attendance.我們的正義選擇導(dǎo)致了豐富的汁液供應(yīng)及照看設(shè)計。

  32、 The reliance of appliance has enhanced the resemblance of the financial romance with the ambulance.對器械的信賴促進了財政傳奇和救護車的相似。

  33、 The appearance of his glance makes my acquaintance lose his tolerance at the entrance of New Oriental School.他那一眼的出現(xiàn)讓我的熟人在新東方入口處失去了耐性。

  34、 The nuisance’s ignorance gives us no assurance of our own endurance or importance.那個可惡的無知使我們無法保證我們的耐性及重要性。

  35、 The distant substance advances under the circum stance with resistance and no assistance.遠方的物體在又有壓力又沒援助的環(huán)境下前進。

  36、 Our evident fence around the residence is our confidence of correspondent defence.我們住宅周圍明顯的柵欄是我們相應(yīng)防衛(wèi)的信心。

  37、 The experience as audience gives us both conscience and obedience which will then lead to our patience instead of violence.做聽眾的經(jīng)驗使得我們有了良心和順從,這將讓我們具備耐心而非暴力。

  38、 The absence of essence and reference has made the conference less important.要點和參照的缺乏使得大會不那么重要了。

  39、 A scarce fierce bird can easily pierce a commercial boat with great force.一只珍稀的猛禽能輕易地用力量穿透一只商船。

  40、 The reinforcement of sauce is the source of increasing divorce.調(diào)味品的加強是離婚增加的源泉。


